Oral Habit Elimination

Thumb and finger sucking for children can begin as early as in the womb and is very normal during infancy. Many children have these habits for the first years of their life, then stop on their own. But, if sucking continues beyond 3 years of age, it can have a negative impact on their jaw shape, teeth position, tongue placement, breathing and speech development. At Face Forward, we aim to make this celebration of oral habit elimination easy, rewarding and fun! Support, guidance and proven strategies are used to help your child stop their habit.

This program is designed to help your child quit negative oral habits such as thumb/finger sucking, pacifier use, nail biting and or lip licking in a positive and fun manner without the use of punitive habit appliances. This program builds confidence and self esteem in your child as they watch themselves give up addicting habits, typically within four weeks.

Therapy may begin as young as four years of age.

Contact us today to get started!